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Siberia the Russian Altai to Mongolia

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Turbaza Log Cabin - Russia

Turbaza Log Cabin - Russia

After getting Heathers bike fixed by Victor it was around 9pm at night.. unfortunately we had yet to organise a hotel and needed to find accommodation. Without us even asking we got asked if we wanted to stay with Victor (the mechanic/bike god) and his girlfriend. We repacked Heathers bike, and helped clean up (a little bit)…. and then set off… Heather decided to take the wrong turn when Victors girlfriend turned away from the convoy… we soon got back to Victors place after a quick stop off at the supermarket to get some food, beer etc… After a beer and a beautiful meal we sat down and chatted (as best we could when we didn’t speak much Russian) over shots of vodka and ground black pepper… we soon got loads of great tips on where we should go and what there was to see on our route through the Altai to Mongolia… (more…)

Kazakhstan Altai to Siberia

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

Two Humped "Camel" ride - Kazakhstan

Two Humped "Camel" ride - Kazakhstan

After such a chilli border crossing our first objective was to find a nice sheltered place where we could have lunch… It turns out that the road from the Kyrgyzstan Border on the Kazakhstan side was actually really terrible. While riding along Heather startled some dogs which chased after her…. they then gave up.. unfortunately I was coming along behind her and they really wanted a piece of my leg.. one of the dogs was running along trying to grab onto my leg right next to the bike.. I accelerated hard on the rough, wet gravel road to get away only to find my traction went on holidays and I nearly ended up in the ditch on the side of the road with the dogs… it was so lucky that the traction came back and I managed to get away… It was a true brown pants moment.


Kyrgyzstan Tian Shan, Karakol and the Kazakhstan border

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

Scenery - Kyrgyzstan

Scenery - Kyrgyzstan

After a chilli night we woke early for Kyrgyzstan’s independence day which is a national holiday… the 31st of August which also marks our 3rd month on the road.. it was a cold wet morning with low mist and fog in the valley… so much for our beautiful view.. the shepherds had come with their cattle early into the valley so we woke and prepared breakfast… I went over to the shepherd to talk with him… wow what a guy.. so many words.. The first thing he said was “neit narcotic mine”… wonder if he was paranoid we may report him… anyway I gave him some nut fudge that we had got in the desert and went back to our campsite.. a conversation that consisted of him saying neit.. da.. was just too exciting.. anyway it started to rain so we put up our small annex and played some cards with the hope that he rain would pass.. some other shepherd rocked up and it all seemed a little dodgy (more…)

Bishkek to Issyk kol and the Tian Shan

Saturday, August 29th, 2009
Issyk kol - Kyrgyzstan

Issyk kol - Kyrgyzstan

Finally…. we had a tracking number for the package that was coming in from turkey.. the replacement clutch was on route… according to the tracking information on the web page it had arrived in Bishkek we just had to hunt it down… to DHL we go.. the nice girl there was super helpful and said that the package should be in their system by 3pm so we should come back then.. at 3pm we came back and she said it had arrived and was at the airport..


Kyrgyzstan mountain passes and crazy drivers

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Wild Camping - Kyrgyzstan

Wild Camping - Kyrgyzstan

Our first night in Kyrgyzstan was pretty uneventful. After such a hard day we slept through and woke up in the morning… dam it was cold. The morning was very crisp.. probably because we camped at about 1200 meters above sea level and that it was now on the slippery slope d.. the nights have been getting much cooler over the last few weeks but the days have remained hot.. It turned out that the place we camped the night was in a beautiful valley with huge mountains along each side rising to over 3000 meters.. One side of the valley was dry mountains and the other was green… Heather now stole the Uzbek jacket that we got given by the Kazakh family the day before… the field report she gives me was that it was nice and warm.. and ohhh how warm it was.. and… yep its warm.. when I asked for it back.. all I heard was “beep beep” and then in a flash she was gone.. After breakfast we started riding with the intention of finding a camp spot shortly after lunch and having a nice easy day… It turns out that there is an almost constant flow of houses and villages along the road towards Bishkek… (more…)