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Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Standard Rubbish Collection - Ulaanbaatar

Standard Rubbish Collection - Ulaanbaatar

After our mission getting to Ulaanbaatar with one broken bike and one grumpy driver it was time to find a Hotel. Heather took the task on and found a place which was cheap, we didn’t know how long it would take to find and fix the bizarre problems facing Heathers bike. We decided it was time to get out and get some good food… Mongolian BBQ it was then… After our first proper meal in weeks we hit the sack.. only to find out why our hotel was so cheap.. it was also a Karaoke bar… bugger Mongolians singing until 2 am… oh well we slept anyway through sheer exhaustion. (more…)

Altai to Ulaanbaatar

Monday, September 28th, 2009

Our route Gobi - Mongolia

Our route Gobi - Mongolia

After getting Heathers bike fixed it was time to make our way to Ulaanbaatar. With our newly revitalized selves we headed off to the petrol station.. only to find that nowhere seemed to sell 92 octane fuel. There was no way we wanted to run our bikes on 80.. it would spell disaster… the BMW manuals say never put anything lower than 91 in.. so that’s what we had to find.. eventually we found THE only place that sold 92 in town.. we are pretty sure it was probably some dodgy fuel but at least we had our tanks full and it was time to head on. (more…)

Khovd to Altai

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

Storms a coming in the Gobi - Mongolia

Storms a coming in the Gobi - Mongolia

After leaving Khovd we had our sights set on Altai which is a town that was originally built by the Russians as a stop over on the main route south. Its right in the Gobi. The road surface deteriorated faster than we could have expected. The 5km of paved road quickly turned into a rutted nightmare. (more…)

Olgii to Khovd and the start of the Gobi

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009
Heather on a fast stretch in the Gobi - Mongolia

Heather on a fast stretch in the Gobi - Mongolia

After the tour we decided that we would stay in Olgii to find some time to get the unfinished tasks done.. Unfortunately our time was mared by a mysterious virus that we both caught. After a night of watching a movie and having some vodka it hit home hard resulting in being seriously ill for the next few days… Despite being ill in Olgii we needed to get going again. (more…)

Mongolia and the Altai mountains

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Mountain Pass - Mongolia

Mountain Pass - Mongolia

Ahhhh finally we had reached Mongolia.. The border crossing out of Russia was fairly easy except that they had closed the border for lunch… we managed to get into Mongolia 5 minutes before their border had closed at 5pm… we had hoped to be able to get through a little earlier so we had time to get a good campsite when we got into Mongolia.. Unfortunately it wasn’t so… Immediately after getting into Mongolia the road went from Asphalt on the Russian side to a rutted, corrugated mess of gravel and sand.. the road was in such poor shape that the locals didn’t even bother to use it.. Instead they used one of the 40 alternatives… this made navigation very difficult and we had to keep asking the shepherds where the hell the road went.. on several occassions we had to back track to find another track so that we could make it to our intended destination Olgii…. After 3 hours of riding we came to our first mountain pass… In most countries the road upto a mountain pass goes through a series of zigzags or follows the river up a gradual slope….. (more…)